Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sugar cane -A brief study

Nearly 4 million hectares of sugarcane production in India to the tune of 300 million tonnes with an industrial crop acreage. It provides employment to a million people directly or indirectly in addition to significant contributions to the national exchequer. Commercial agriculture, the cane is subject to various weather conditions and stress. The constant moisture and red rot disease in the subtropics incident uncertain availability severely damaged the productivity of sugarcane. In addition, in many areas, lack of heavy water. Development of drought tolerant water requires efficient use of sugarcane genotypes to maintain cane industry .

Not pure commercial hybrid sugarcane species Saccharum officinarum, but one, with a large number of chromosomes is a complex polyploid. For the genetic manipulation offers a clean system from traditional methods. As a result of interest for breeding varietal characters most part, does not work out well, so that neither gene number nor the nature of gene action of these elements of expression known fully operational. Thus sugarcane remains' geneticists nightmareWith advancement of molecular biology, new technologies are available fragmented genome of sugarcane. Inter tissue monitoring - for symptoms of expressed sequence tagging under study contrasting genotypes of genetic potential of specific gene expression as a technique can be used in sugarcane to be used for the complexity of gene function. Some progress in the development of sugarcane ESTs wand (actually a large scale in Brazil) growing countries is expected that the proposed work and strengthen the international efforts for the Indian sugarcane cultivation will provide specific benefits have already.

Various stress resistance genes against the sugarcane better understanding of underlying physical mechanisms may help in identifying tolerance and to facilitate genetic manipulation of sugarcane plants to cope with these stresses for a tailor. Sugarcane, Genetic complexity due to its flora and publicity, production and population transgencis easily attribute of interest for early selection of segregating effect is responsible for DNA analysis applications such as bio-technology selection assistance (marker). EST approach to identify and stress the proposed patient to be available and genes through genetic changes involved in secret to allow sugarcane varieties.
Plant's nature

Cane juice with plant grass growing family member or a fat high in sugar content is the essence. This tropical plant is ready in 11-18 months. Maturity may vary from 4-12 feet or more ill height is raised, and commercial varieties 0.75-2 inches in diameter are. As couples in other grass stem or node is. Stem 4-10 inches apart along this range of aboveground section. One node on a broad leaf rises which are of a sheaf or base and leaf blade. Leaf blade is long and narrow, 1 to 3 inches in width and 5 feet in length or more is different. In addition, stem with one bud at each node is protected under the leaf sheath.


Sugarcane plants by groups of stem propagates. Furrows in the fields of sugar cane planting, mature sugarcane stalk cutting and horizontal sections taken are kept. Generally, only one node on a stem piece as a new plant with the polarity of the stem piece develops. When they laid horizontally and covered with soil, a new stem bud growing plant stem sections and roots from base of new stem grows. Many underground stem branches from one clump of bud development as a growth node. Is about 6 feet apart in rows planting weed control possible for early cultivation and use of herbicides. As plants with long stems ultimately leaving less leaves, so only the top side is green and stay active. A link between the nodes of stems, thin, outer tissue or rind and a soft center. The center has high juice containing sugar. More than one crop is harvested from planting. After two or more then allegedly removed the first crop crop stubble is being received. Cut to ground level had harvesting stalk positions taken from the new growth is the result stalk.


Mechanized harvesting of cane is higher. Machines at a uniform height above the canes, cutting them at ground level, and deposit them in rows. Leaves and trash from cane rows using flamethrower type machines are burned. An alternative method of standing sugarcane leaves burn, after which it has directly and get low. Between cutting and milling in the case as a possible short delay, because delays result in loss of sugar content

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