Thursday, December 3, 2009

Production process in cane sugar

Cane increasing

Sugarcane is a sub tropical and tropical crop like sun and water so long as its roots are not waterlogged - is. This typically takes about 12 months in Louisiana six months of maturity, though at the world short as 24 months for some locations varies widely reach. This is different from many crops where it grows roots, then plant again shows several cycles [ 'or' ratoons, a Spanish word derived from the sprouts] before it is worn out.


Cut stems down but going sugarcane roots so that it increases again in time for the next crop is harvested from. Crop at least 2 times as dry season and a half months, 11 months is the length of crop ranges. Sugarcane factory was taken: often by truck or rail car, but sometimes on a cart pulled by an ox or donkey


Processing of sugarcane juice is the first phase. Many factories in the crushed cane is a series of large roller mills: one to delete the same [wringer] The clean water to wash out a century ago were impoverished. Fiber and sugarcane juice comes gushing out sweet for use in boilers are away. Other factories are used as a diffuser in the sugar beet production is asked to. Any kind of juice is very dirty, mud fields, some small fiber and plant extracts from green mixed with all the Chinese are doing.


Lime juice factory with a slaked can easily clean (relative to a wheel), who sits out a lot of mud that he could be sent back to farms. Once this is done, shut up juice in a process using steam of boiling water in a thickened syrup is called evaporation. Sometimes it again is clear syrup, but more often it just goes on crystal without any more cleaning action materialized. Has improved energy efficiency of evaporation so that the factory is for.


Placed in a large pan of boiling syrup, the last phase. Boiled off, until the situation are right for growing sugar crystals in a pan of water is greater. You can have something like school, but perhaps because it is difficult to develop well crystal with Chinese is not. Generally, some Chinese factory workers began constructing in dust thrown crystal. Once crystals have crystal and mother liquor resulting mixture spun in centrifuges to two, rather like washing is spin dried is different. Crystal is given a warm breeze, with a final dry before being stored ready for despatch.


Store final raw sugar forms a sticky brown mountain or soft brown sugar found in domestic kitchen looks like. But that common as it gets dirty in storage and has a flavor that most people do not like can be used. That is why it is refined when it will be used for the country where it is. In addition, because the juice can not throw out all Chinese one, there's a sweet product made: molasses is. This typically has been converted into a cattle food or is sent to distillery where wine is made.


So what happened to the sugar cane crushing all fiber? The "lost in the industry" is called. Factory needs electricity and steam, both of which use the fiber occurs. While a lot of hot water in large furnaces to lose given that can be used in turn out and high pressure steam is to boil water. To run a steam turbine is used to create electricity and low pressure process steam for making sugar. This process is one that does most of our electricity, but there are several important differences. When a major power station burning fossil fuels that produce electricity [used once, so that fuel can not be replaced] station for the environment and contaminates low-grade heat is a dump. All this contributes to global warming. Cane sugar factory production is lost in renewable fuels and gases, primarily CO 2 than are used by new increases stick. Low grade heat factory use [a system of co-generation] called and one can see that a well run environment-friendly add cane sugar estate.

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