Monday, December 28, 2009

Mango tree - nature & features

Mango trees are deep rooted, symmetrical evergreens that attain heights of 90 m and a width of 80 feet. The switch just mango leaves lanceolate, 12 to 16 centimeters long and are yellow-green, purple or copper color when young.

Mature leaves are leathery, shiny dark green in color. The new leaves arise in terminal growth of puffs that occur several times a year. Terminal branches of mature bears pyramidal flower panicles that have several hundreds of white flowers, the width of a 1 / 4 inches when they are open. Most function as male flowers with pollen, but some are bisexual and fruiting. Pollination by flies, wasps and bees.

The fruit weighs about 1 / 4 pound to 3 pounds. Fruit may be round, oval, or obovate, depending on variety. The unripe fruit is green, the skin becomes progressively yellow, orange, purple, red, or combinations of these colors as the fruit ripens. Mature fruits have a distinctive odor and a smooth, thin, hard skin.

The ripe mango pulp is pale yellow to orange. The flesh is juicy, sweet and sometimes fibrous. Some undesirable plants or varieties are described as holding a wide-turpentine flavor. The fruit is a seed that has stabilized and adheres to the meat. The seeds contain one or more embryos depending on the variety or type.

Mango can be eaten raw as a fruit dessert or processed into various products. The ripe fruit can be sliced and canned or processed into juice, jams, jellies, jams and nectars. Eastern and Asian cultures use green mangoes for pickles, mango chutney and relishes.unripe be sliced, dried and powdered amchoor used cooking.flour is made of mango seeds. The seeds are also eaten in times of food shortage. The wood is used for boats, flooring, furniture and other applications.

These plants are mostly authentic, and May, the seeds are grown without the need for grafting.Grafted trees grow more slowly than the seedling trees and are often smaller. The grafted trees produce fruit usually 3 to 5 years occur in arid areas, while seedling trees usually less than five years in storage.

Mango trees can remain in production for 40 years or more. Inarching is sometimes done to increase the varieties of mango, and older trees may be topworked. Mangoes are not propagated by cuttings or air layering, because the resulting weakly rooted trees.


  1. When you graft, the small tree would already be several feet tall, right? Are you saying then that a seedling would eventually outgrow that? That's some shocking piece of info right there.

  2. India's agriculture is composed of many crops, with the foremost food staples being rice and wheat. Indian farmers also grow pulses, potatoes, sugarcane, oilseeds, and such non-food items as cotton, tea, coffee, rubber, and jute (a glossy fiber used to make burlap and twine). India is a fisheries giant as well. A total catch of about 3 million metric tons annually ranks India among the world's top 10 fishing nations. Despite the overwhelming size of the agricultural sector, however, yields per hectare of crops in India are generally low compared to international standards. Improper water management is another problem affecting India's agriculture. At a time of increasing water shortages and environmental crises, for example, the rice crop in India is allocated disproportionately high amounts of water. One result of the inefficient use of water is that water tables in regions of rice cultivation, such as Punjab, are on the rise, while soil fertility is on the decline. Aggravating the agricultural situation is an ongoing Asian drought and inclement weather. Although during 2000-01 a monsoon with average rainfall had been expected, prospects of agricultural production during that period were not considered bright. This has partially been due to relatively unfavorable distribution of rainfall, leading to floods in certain parts of the country and droughts in some others.
    Indian Agriculture.
    Despite the fact that agriculture accounts for as much as a quarter of the Indian economy and employs an estimated 60 percent of the labor force, it is considered highly inefficient, wasteful, and incapable of solving the hunger and malnutrition problems. Despite progress in this area, these problems have continued to frustrate India for decades. It is estimated that as much as one-fifth of the total agricultural output is lost due to inefficiencies in harvesting, transport, and storage of government-subsidized crops.
