Sunday, December 27, 2009

Guava tree - A natural tree

Guava is a shrub or tree, shadow, in general, grows naturally often in private gardens in the tropics. Guava trees grow normally up to a height of four meters and has large leaves with visible veins. The leaves grow in pairs opposite each other on the thin, but the company has also planted branches.The small white flowers that have multiple colors tamen likely smoothing or pear-shaped, yellowish fruits, meat, guava seeds.The Ensemble apink or yellowish color and is very tasty and nutritious. The most important thing is that the fruit rich in vitamin C content .

The guava is a perennial, with a pile of leaves and therefore provides an excellent shade while the leaves of the plant have therapeutic properties. The fruits of this kind can be eaten fresh when ripe or used for the preparation of beverages, ice cream and thickened to jam, jelly or jam to make. In the Amazon region, fertile, a cat, you can reach a height of 20 meters and fruits, are important in the size of a tennis ball. However, the nature of the commercial cultivation of guava trees and shrubs usually grow to a height of 10 meters and fruits that look like lemons on the trees size.Guava are different because they are usually thin, soft copper tones bark revealed a green layer under peeling.

Although guava is an important product in international trade, which grows abundantly in tropical climates, and to provide food to provide hundreds of millions of people in tropical regions worldwide. This species has spread to the entire world, and naturalized in the tropics, due to a number of reasons. Guava is transmitted primarily by seed, but the tree can be grown by grafting.

The plant is not only able, in a variety of soils and spreads easily flourish. There are also easily and in abundance. Since each of the guava contains several seeds, it can give to many fruit orchards in the space of just four years. In the Amazon rain forest monkeys and birds thrive happily in the ripe fruit and mangoes for the dissemination of seeds to bear fruit in their feces. Therefore, we find a group of spontaneous growth of guava shrubs or trees in the region.

Cured guava eaten raw and tastes delicious. The fruit is cut into slices and include salads and desserts. In many parts of the world, cooked, guava and a strong odor when you cooked.In the tropics, people use the leaves, roots, bark and unripe fruit of the guava gastroenteritis, dysentery and diarrhea because of its astringent properties halting. While the leaves of guava paste are externally injuriesulcers in painful places and body applied, tender leaves of the tree are chewed to relieve and treat disease, bleeding gums toothaches.

A decoction of guava leaves is willing widely believed to have prepared to treat the neck and chest problems.The decoction of guava leaves proved to be very effective to stop the vomiting and diarrhea in patients with guava wood is widely used in turning and Carpenter used

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