Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cotton plant- characteristic features

Introduction to cotton plant

Domestic cotton crops cultivated a unique origin and history. Wild ancestors of modern cotton varieties were perennial vines that inhabited many different Africa, Arabia, Australia and geographic regions including Mesoamerica,. During the past several centuries, the people indigenous to these areas and four different species of cultivated cotton, Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), the primary United States, including large species have developed. Despite the efforts of human selective breeding, several features wild cotton, cotton has not been removed making management difficult and unique.

Wild cotton with an indeterminate fruiting habit is a tropical perennial, meaning that the new cards even after production begins it is to make seeds. Despite its inherent perennial growth habit, however, an annual cotton crop plants has been taken as producers try to produce as much as possible lint and seeds. Flowers plant larch and diverts energy away from seed production, the perennial nature of the modern cultivars after protests continue our current production system has increased vegetation.

Also two different types of branches of cotton plants, unique to each growth habit on fruit production, further complicating crop management. In addition, cotton growth is very sensitive to temperature and soil conditions. Like other crops, cotton growers to use chemicals to control weeds and pests, cotton crop is unique in that growth, but it should be regulated and eventually terminated by chemical means. Plant growth and development of cotton producers to understand a high yield, high quality crops helps grow.

Cotton development by modification

Cotton Development has become an essential part of Amendment cotton production, whether by adjustments in breeding, water management or crop use AIDS. Plant growth regulators to implement and fast growth revised midseason is similar to other management methods. There if they properly manage yield potential are affected.

Growth rate is to modify critical knowledge needs at each stage of development of plants that reach the ultimate goal of high yield and quality. The next step in providing for these requirements is not possible. Plant growth regulators are potential crop earliness, boll class to promote and maintain, more intelligent nutrients, and vegetation and reproductive development in harmony to keep lint yield and quality will improve.

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