Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Variety Registration Procedures:

To assess each species through three stages to go. To contribute to the initial production assessment evaluation test (emissions trading) or preliminary yield trials (PYT) examination of the local program based on the best breeding activities. A number of sites selected in each region in order to test. At the same time, these items available to respond to pathology of major diseases are studied. Entries yield, disease and able to see the quality of international emissions trading point / PYT an integrated regional test (Rail Transport) test. Varietal testing also improved (AVT) or co-ownership known as a test - tester species (CVT) ordinating. Organizations in each district where a very large number of these tests and is larger in size than international emissions trading. In testing, disease, pest and quality response to different types of symptoms were studied. Entries in the second phase of an appropriate re-evaluation of urban rail transport is to discover, while pathologists, entomologists, nematodes, agronomists provide, and quality assessment teams to study the factors that their view of seeing the subject, this important works and is comprehensive. Other standards are also actual measurements. Agronomy such sowing date, fertilizer and irrigation and agricultural variables that sometimes these entries is the reaction of their research within this important herbicide adaptive changes in the group as a level assessment,. After these tests, a major crop in the seminar. A multi-disciplinary scientists at the seminar, a special committee considering the recommendations of varieties identified for release. Species for testing in limited locations in the country and government research institutes develop Linguists. Central Seed Committee (CSC) 1982 says that in all countries, importance of various types of tests available on all India's crop improvement project. All nations now integrated the proposed experimental samples, but some people have expressed reservations about this decision. With the concept of a national co-range test for testing, the state government and research institutions across the country was welcomed coordination required. Together with Central Government to test varieties with the varieties of all countries in a wide range of environments, a variety of countries to provide greater opportunities for risk. The most sensitive species for the release of these insects and diseases and help in identifying a number of other countries may cause.
Plant breeding can gain major genotype identified only if it is not envisaged public commercial multiplication. Therefore, maintaining a system for commercial production in the number of promising genes. This process is known as the release of varieties. System in the region above, cultivation of new varieties in the common, public, it is appropriate to develop. Alternatively, if one species in a particular area planted guidelines. In October 1964 the Central Committee, various central-level release (CVRC) and national level, sub-national forms - Committee (SAARC) began with the process of species formation. CVRC in operation in November, to 1969, this work by the CSC Seed Act, 1966 are performing on the establishment. Computer Sciences Corporation, a central group crop standards, notification and administration, n and species distribution for the car company (CSC committee composed of Chief Secretary). Sub-Committee at central level activities and discharge information released varieties, while the State Seed Sub-Committee (SSSCs) emissions at the national level, a similar function. Commission and his deputy all CSC seed research, production, quality control, is an appropriate representation, national governments, agreement, linguists, Asset Recovery Institute International, public and private sectors, farmers in seed and seed production center for agencies involved.

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