Monday, November 9, 2009

SPECIAL REPORT-The fight over the future of food

New York / Washington / November 10 (Reuters) - Milan, at first glance, near the city of Milan, Giuseppe I think this farm oglio neglected. Rice fields and a crop of millet in large parts of the work of alfalfa has not yet been confirmed. The third-generation farmers, and modern technology in agriculture oglio to prevent chemicals - a purely physical methods, chemical fertilizers, and heavy equipment -. It is not only ecological, they say, but useful, he believes that their system can be in the world District Promotion of hunger. There are about 5000 miles (8000 kilometers of St. St. Louis, Missouri, city) and hundreds of scientists in the laboratory, the world's largest seed company Monsanto, you want to the world, but the dish of their choice of tools and laser - beam. Ah in the agricultural biotechnology Monsanto, about $ 2 million a leader in the field is to improve scientific research in the fight against hunger as a natural flower in this case, it is important the players to play one day.

Italian farmers and the U.S. Food heated debate in the future multinational fast two extremes. Everyone wants to stop the hunger and over, but still controversial issue is how the anti-hole environment - the campaign against poverty, against big business rich and poor customers. There was a time when the two sides fight against food experts agree on one thing - the world rankings is just an empty stomach, unless there is entering a significant increase. Recently, the global food crisis and world economic slowdown, the number of hungry people in the global portfolio of more than $ 10 billion U.S. dollars. The United Nations says 70 percent of global food production over the next 40 years, from 2050 the growth of an additional 2.3 billion people to feed. International leaders gather in Rome next week's Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations World Food Summit, to discuss and the best way to solve this problem may have heard of the competition. The social and economic reforms, one of the Protestant distinction between the flag to enable small farmers to grow with the existing technology will be in more relative importance.

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