Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The essentials and Principles for transformation to Organic agriculture

Change Request:

In order to make sustainable agriculture and eco-systems to achieve optimum results, it would be in crop production and livestock has all the elements necessary to organize agricultural management to establish a dialogue among diversity. Can feel the change within a fixed period of time, but can gradually change the field.

Parallel production:

Table 1 Biological principles and standards for organic agriculture should be based on a time dew period, livestock will avoid. Maintenance and management of organic agriculture extension: Through the practice of organic agriculture, animals should not have to change the traditional agricultural or alternate.

Crop Production:

Of organic certification and agricultural use of all seed plants. Through all of the seeds and genetic engineering will be removed from genetically modified plants. In the case that the seeds of these plants, approachable, allowing them to use traditional chemical treatment of seeds and seedlings is required.

Change Duration:

Organic soil fertility management systems implementation and prosperity of the time, the ever-changing needs of the transitional period. To extend the land and the ecological balance enough to strike deep root to increase fertility during the period, but for the preparation period has been reached these goals.

Crop diversity in production:

For the main objective of the agricultural production structure, soil fertility exists in that vicinity of the ecosystem, reducing species diversity and the provision of nutrients lost to a minimum. Food production will reveal a diversified portfolio of: In the legume crop varieties, including the planting, support, and soil cover species.

Fertilization program:

Organic agriculture organic fertilizer elements should be prepared to use the organic farm, or disinfection of bacteria, plants or animals will be analyzed biology. On the basis of the analysis, through biological methods of fertilization programs should not be material, but the cycle of organic agriculture is still the basic elements of nursing.

Insects, disease and pain management:

Organic farming systems management should be taken to ensure that at least is due to insects, plant diseases and harmful weeds. The use of crop varieties critical to the environmental conditions and adapt to the environment, balanced fertilization projects of high biological activity, the soil fertile, and suitable for planting cycles, and plant cultivation, together with the use of green manure in different ways. Status and ambition Recently it has been pointed out that the responsibility and organic agriculture.

Despite the region's harsh weather conditions, light dry, barren soil, soil and additives analysis of the biological activity weakened in Dubai swift action. Our goal is to challenge a fair and appropriate environment, human and animals, and disease, which is visible in many countries and spread to save the cost of treatment. For some farmers also saw organic agriculture, increasing farmers awareness of the masses, but considered that the evidence began to be applicable, as well as some of us have said, because of our misconduct to strengthen organic agriculture. The use of municipal solid waste Municipal waste, because they are completely chemical pollution and mercury, lead, other heavy metals, such as involved should be avoided. Dung fertilizer free of harmful chemicals, organic products should be fed animal.

Nitrogen is dependent on natural resources, and soil biological activity is to encourage, biological nitrogen fixation, rotation and agricultural applications focused on the condition that the cultivation of leguminous plants will be one of its key elements. Phosphorus, potassium and calcium These factors will be used in their natural structure of In addition, not to rely upon the solubility in water treatment chemical synthesis formula for a rest.

Uproar Additives They should make use of its natural composition, and avoid the use of chemical fertilizers. Use, and they enable the authorities to prepare bio-fertilizers and the original certificate should verify these fertilizers.

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