Friday, December 11, 2009

Rubber - Nature , cultivation and scope

Rubber tree - Nature

Many plant species produce natural rubber. Quality and economics of the talks, however, one species, namely limited sources of natural rubber to Hevea brasiliensis.It is native to Amazon basin and tropical Asia and Africa countries beginning in belt during the late 19th century. It can be said the most far-reaching and successful introduction in the history of plant 9.3 million hectares, 95 per cent in the world also Asia.Hevea brasiliensis in Brazil after the port known as the Para rubber tree plantations, resulting in para , a fast growing, very strong, perennial tree height of 25 to 30 meters. This is a straight trunk and thick, somewhat soft, light gray bark is gray.

Rapidly expanded and integrated development of young plants turn characteristic of the period shows the development pattern. Took a long time with trifoliate leaves are stalk. In winter deciduous tree and is used in India from December February. Is fast and abundant flowers Refoliation follows. Flowers are small but appear in large groups. Three lobed fruits are holding a three seed, castor seed as much as, but is much larger in size. One hundred or more seed oil bearing.The rubber tree can live for years. But economic life in their gardens based on normal period, is only about 32 years - 25 years of immature phase and production phase of 7 years.

Rubber tapping

The bark is injured by tapping rubber trees. About a 30 degree angle between the horizontal one and a half meters from the ground by a cut is made. Reduction is about 2 mm. Deep. Latex as it built this way to break the tube - the loss of skin between cambian's bark and wood as one newspaper. When the liquid flows out of latex, it is collected in the vessel. Trees on the second day is usually exploited. Before six in the morning starts tapping and latex collection is complete before noon. Work is usually exploited by hand. It is very difficult and requires great skill. There are several harness system prevalent in Malaysia, but the most popular one "oblique cut" made half way round the circumference of the tree.

Rubber Processing - Coagulation

Tree plantations is obtained from latex chemical factory. After collection of latex, it is sieved remove foreign matter. After this, put it in tanks and is coagulated by addition of formic or acetic acid, or thickened. Each tank has many aluminum can be split to allow removal of coagulated rubber thick slabs. Slabs, then are washed with acid and passed through rollers that press in the rubber.

Rubber - needs and use

Articles from numerous rubber shoes are used, sporting goods, cushions, insulated material for cables, tires and tubes to the pencil erasers. However, automobile tyres and tubes to make the most important is its use. Thus, indirectly, rubber promoting modern transport and communication helps.

Major problems affecting rubber industry

Which results in lower prices due to additional production for profit rubbers is a major drawback. United States and other countries rich in synthetic rubber production has a great set back for marketing. Synthetic rubber, the petroleum, coal, alcohol or other material is made from a very low cost of production is achieved. Another problem is trees, which are very old place needs a big part, with the new high yield. One possible form of a rubber industry, almost all countries have taken a lot of steps, for both natural and synthetic rubber production and stabilize prices to go down that demand supply chain will be in a relevant position .

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