Wednesday, December 2, 2009

India-wheat production profile

India produced 73.2 million tonnes of wheat in 1998-99, a 18 per cent increase in 1993-94 was 55 million tonnes. Production in 1998-99 after China, India's second largest world producer of wheat. But India still a regularly established itself as the country's wheat exports have not. However, full production during 1998-99 - Other - India ranks below with mention of factors to increase its exports of wheat, the fact that production has declined by 2.9 per cent in 1999-2000, despite the hopes.

Demand for both durum and wheat varieties aestivum is present in the international market. Only 4 percent of the total world production of Durum wheat accounts for the variety. Approximately 10-12 million tons of Durum wheat (2,600 U.S. dollars) annual turnover is in the world. India a major producer of durum wheat, but almost all 25 million tonnes produced by it is consumed within the domestic market ).

591 million tonnes in 1998-99 world wheat production, ie, at least 20 million tonnes in 1997-98 is estimated. Instead, India than in 1997-98 and in 1998-99 produced 8 million tonnes. This makes the international environment conducive to India's wheat production.

India's wheat export prospects of another favorable factor in one in the United States wheat cultivation has decreased substantially. Reports indicate that U.S. wheat area under cultivation is at least 26 years. Morocco and Pakistan in this area is a dry winter wheat crop in that region is less likely. The improvement in India's wheat export potential.

Not that India has not exported the wheat is not. From 1985-86 to 1988-89, India exported 1.278 million tonnes total. However, exports in 1989-90 declined by 11,000 tonnes and 13,000 tonnes in 1990-91. In 1993-94 the government of wheat is allowed to export only 300,000 tonnes. The 1 million tonnes in 1997-98 was increased (this should be noted that the amount of food allowed to be exported depends on domestic demand and supply conditions. In an environment of trade liberalization, however, no such control can be expected for production in 1998-99 is plentiful if should be as ).

While India's exports of wheat are several hurdles. First is the price. Indian domestic prices of wheat, durum around U.S. dollar 160 per tonne (as of early 2000) between U.S. $ 140-150 when the international price changes. Aestivum in the case of wheat, the market price while the U.S. international price is around $ 150 per tonne between 120-130 U.S. dollars. Advanced agricultural technology is the answer.

India's wheat exports, second barrier procurement, processing, storage and lack of advanced features for the transportation of grain. In other countries it provides an opportunity for related companies, the necessary technology exports to India.

A long term policy on export of wheat the third barrier is related to lack. This reduction led to a less than ideal quality control of procurement. With emphasis on export growth in the day, is bound shortcomings are redressed

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