Monday, November 9, 2009


Last time world 20, 60 and 70, India, China and other countries in the Horn strong predictions that famine in the Green Revolution itself received for agricultural systems - in own food abundance - abundance changes encountered. They do this through the use of plant breeding techniques to increase awareness of rice and wheat and other major crops. Through hybrid rice, China is the world's most populous country, and a large number of state investment in the period from -2 tonnes per hectare owned the 20th century, more than 60 years, 10 tonnes per hectare, and from 2004 production. Chinese scientists in search of further growth in 2015 - 13.5 tonnes per hectare, according to international agency Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), for attributing to the report China's agricultural development as a real success, and this week a research report a story (published on November 12 rice scheme) so-called "Federal Reserve million."

No doubt, the Green Revolution without its drawbacks - environmental damage, and is not named. In India, for example, the water table is drying and soil pesticides and fertilizers have been degraded. Even large commercial farms, a small increase in the value of pregnancy, the so-called commercialization of food "for a change leading critics of scale quickly," see dissent will help the campaign.

However, hunger, millions of game, and architects, Borlaug 1970 Nobel Peace Prize in. Due to high population, but India and China - not to mention the majority of African countries - are still facing challenges, especially climate change and food production, environmental issues in the development of deep recession make. International Food Policy, World Wide Web as part of the Central Research Institute for Agricultural Research, said last month to reduce production because of climate change in a developing country "energy savings" will reduce, and in 2050 is estimated Average per capita consumption compared to 7% in 2000. High temperature reduction in agricultural crops, while insects and diseases are encouraging.

Nearly all crops, and the experience of South East Asia, the biggest decline in production. International Food Policy Research Institute, rice production in the region will be less than 14%, if not climate change. "India urgently needs a green revolution and said: Drought Kushagra Nayan Bajaj, and Hinduthan Baja (BJHN.BO) India's largest producer of sugar, which cracks down on imports of raw cane crops is joint managing director of .

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