Sunday, November 22, 2009

'The days of cheap food are over'

We seem to be facing a global food crisis.

We have a global food crisis that has begun with both national and global trends are moving towards. I would say that the world is developing an international emergency. African countries that are facing food shortages, look at the situation. The World Food Program grain species are used, but now they are being paid. You can not eat money.

Why has this happened?

For a number of reasons. High price of petroleum products and higher prices of agricultural inputs for other products are forced to turn prime agricultural land. For example, farmers in the U.S. and Europe are growing wheat instead of corn for livestock and animal feed. In India, farmers on their agricultural land for ethanol crops are growing. The degraded land should be restricted. I protest in the country for the prime minister of fuel being used is growing.

Foodgrain production is coming down even in India.

India faces many problems. Our land is hungry and thirsty. This lack of nutritional variety, but our policies have supported only nitrogen.

Another major issue is the need for government laboratories outside the country started clay soil and its proposal for a health card farmers can spread to every district test. Only state that has invested so far in Gujarat. We also focus on water and on providing better irrigation facilities is required.

You have been stressing the need to improve irrigation facilities.

We especially to the importance of irrigation in states like Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, which should have the same crop area. But jowar, millet and other drought tolerant crop varieties for food production should also be encouraged. We are currently importing pulses and oilseeds at very high prices. Thats why I feel the farmers in drought areas in need of support, especially from the expansion is finished with advice.

For there must be synergy between research and public policy. In India, policies are skewed in favor of urban consumers. European Union court that the biggest all farmers, related to the European Union common agricultural policy one spends the time to look at. We in India have woken up only when a disaster there. -1960 Fast during the L 48 P 10 million tons of grain imported under the program. We hope that this crisis of the 21st century will lead to an evergreen revolution.

Is part of the problem declining investments in agriculture?

It declined for many years: The result is the current crisis. During the sixth five year plan more than 12% of funds were earmarked for irrigation. And agriculture sector grew by an unprecedented 10%. Compare the current 2%.

Experts point to climate change as also playing havoc with farmers.

Uncertain weather is playing havoc. Agriculture has become the world's riskiest businesses. Farmers face more frequent droughts and floods more often do. For the convenience of the bus does not conflict with the climate change.

But farmers have, over the centuries, had to contend with drought and floods...

There is a difference between past and present. Today, human induced climate change and fossil fuel is due to excessive water.

Lack of data on the type of world food stocks quote, I must say that 2007 show that we have nearly 400 million tonnes, as against 760 million tonnes two years ago for FAO figures. 40% of the world food stocks have come down.

Four countries are going to immediately affect China, India, Brazil and Kenya are, because in these countries in the worlds biggest consumer of wheat and rice grains are.

As early as , how one degree centigrade increase in temperature affected the production of wheat in Punjab and Haryana, a letter was published. It meant a period of one week crop cycle low and cook for his entire process.

One that I want to emphasize that food security is important to humans, but its just as important for animals and livestock. We animals, the worlds largest number of goats and buffaloes. They need food as well.

This is all very well that 15-20% of the population that has highlighted a high purchasing power. But food and water security in the entire population is important.

How will climate change impact rice and wheat?

Rice with high optimization. You go in and below sea level in states such as Himachal Pradesh can do more. Wheat crop is more sensitive. As a result of global warming and melting ice, with India and so could see the river flood plains. For the entire area with deep water or floating rice development plan should be ready now. Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, Thailand and parts of it is also trying out.

We have now entered the wheat harvest season.

Yes, for the next few weeks are going to be important. While the Food Corporation of India to cash poor farmers sell their wheat and take basis, rich farmers will wait and see how developed values. Both national and international wheat procurement price should be adjusted on the basis of price. Of course, the Government to ensure food security for all schemes, including the ICDS and other such schemes. We need to create a National Food Security Board, whose members cut all political lines. Forty million farmers has been relieved of their debt burden. But now we need to make them eligible for institutional credit. We also have a smart card that they receive subsidized fertilizer and seeds should be allowed.

How are farmers reacting to contract farming?

Should not share their land with farmers. What they need to start doing instead of water management, better go to the barn and culture, and insect-proofing. Contract farming could work only if it benefits both the buyer and farmer. One in each state to set up a contract farming requires Council. A strict code of ethics as contract farming and after picking up a can. It still has not.

How is the situation in India going to unravel in the coming years?

The Government has come with a concrete action plan. National Food Security Mission (NFSM) has a plan to increase all the necessary information will look into various production must prepare. For example, jatropha and sugarcane for fuel should be extended only on waste and degraded land can be. China is forbidden anything except bread and butter food growing land.

The second thing I want to stress that, in future, governments around the world in their own countries are banning exports of food. It just will not be available. Today, we buy the wheat as the minimum price for farmers are paid Rs 1,000, Rs 2,000 for imported wheat, but we're paying. A day may come soon when imported food stops. We must be prepared for such a situation.

It is very clear to me that the days of cheap food are over, just as the days of cheap oil has.

What kind of contingency plans will our government have to come up with?

We code a drought, flood code and need to come with a good weather code. I put it before the Agriculture Minister. He came up with a plan is needed very soon. Food safety is important for granaries, seed reserves are important for crop protection, and flood situation in an appropriate place to be accidental destruction to ensure a minimum should have a plan. The plan only one piece of paper, but it directly to a farmer who has lost his main crop comes with a second plan should help the next crop should be what kind does not mean.

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