Thursday, November 26, 2009

Agriculture & Rural Developments


Seventies was a time of growth indicates that the Green Revolution in wheat production. In the next 10 years, rice production increased rapidly in 1995-96, rice production was 79.6 million tonnes. Total food production success in 1994-95, was 510,000 1950 -51 tonnes a big leap. Seventh Five Year Plan period average food production 155 million tonnes, 17 million tonnes more than the sixth five year plan was average.

In order for farmers to complete the technical reform, the National Pulse Development Plan, covering 13 countries, was launched in 1986. Special food production program to improve further efforts to increase pulse production. In 1995-96, 13.2 million tonnes produced pulse. Some countries with more statutory minimum price of sugarcane production also has been noted and a record 2.83 million tonnes recorded in 1995-96.


As the country's irrigation potential for continuing growth in the last 40 years efforts, for a total of 800 million hectares of irrigated area . Flood forecasting for many years has become an important activity. More than 500 stations and 400 radio stations through the water collecting data from 157 sites for transmitting is predicted to continue. 94% accuracy in predicting published in 5000 years. Country received international support, water resources in developing countries as a major source with the World Bank.

International cooperation on water and electricity set up a National Information Center envisages. For a comprehensive view in this country especially with the Himalayan region and port area of Maharashtra Qazi, has developed a plan to collect all data on a separate dam seismic activity.


Fertilizer industry in India, strong growth in the last 30 years. To see the many fertilizers farmers in remote areas and hilly regions want to reach. What price, distribution and movement of phosphates and potash decided to decontrol. What's for steps taken to ensure that non-supply growth - chemical fertilizers on reasonable price. Fertilizer quality control laboratories in 53 countries. As bio-chemical fertilizers - one idea, cheap and renewable sources of effective additional fertilizer, the national project development and use of bio - fertilizer is applied. One national and six training scheme, organization, demonstration projects and regional centers for testing the quality of bio - fertilizer has been adopted.

This one is challenging the government decision, a 1,700 kilometer gas pipeline through the Bombay High has adopted, feed, consumption of chemical fertilizer plant is located in central northern India. However, the main policies to ensure fertilizer industry growth rate of consumption of fertilizers is certain key, on one hand, lower prices on other manufacturers, uniform fertilizer, adequate compensation is provided through the retention price scheme. As expected, fertilizer nutrients increased from 1961 to 1960 tonnes from 0.29 million to 13.9 million tonnes in 1992-93 compared to the end of 1995-96 demand 12.15MT.


A record 4.9 million tonnes of fish production, has reached the end of 1995-96. Program helped increase production, the National Development Plan, fish seeds, fish and salt water fish farmers development agencies, development agencies, including farmers. Central Fisheries Research Institute and marine engineering training necessary manpower training. Fishing methods in order, processed fish products introduced, semi-commercial scale, integrated fisheries project has already begun to disperse. A National Fisheries Advisory Committee has been established.

Food Resources

A Ministry of Food Processing Industries in July 1988 for the establishment to ensure better use of modern technology, farmers' production of processed foods, which increase the income of farmers to participate and create jobs in rural areas is was. A new seed policy of quality seeds and plant materials, vegetables, fruits, flowers, oilseeds and pulses has been through provision of access, without any weak quarantine situation. Private sector investment in food processing industry to get promoted action taken.

Agricultural Research

Education, research and education, the apex body in the expansion, agriculture, Indian Agricultural Research (ICAR), the Council is established in 1929. India's innings from additional countries, lack of grains, especially agricultural technology from the lab for smooth and rapid transfer of land due to the recovery of assets of the International Center. To fulfill its responsibilities international asset recovery center for 43 Research Institutes, 4 National Research Council, 20 National Research Center, Program Executive Office 9, through All India Coordinated Research projects 70, 109 and Agricultural Science Center (Agricultural Science Center ). In addition, international agricultural education center and property improvement plan and other standard program guide, 26 agricultural universities and national research institutions to coordinate is 4.

Oilseed Production

In 1986, a Technology Mission on Oilseeds Production of oilseeds in the country for achieving growth and self - started abundance. 1990 in science and technology delegation in legumes are included. 10.83 lakh tonnes of oilseeds production Mission 85-86 before beginning, in 1995-96, 22.42 lakh tonnes, which is estimated at a record. Soybean, rapeseed and mustard mainly due to increased production. The production of pulses went through many twists and goes into the mission is expected to have. Development of the country mainly nine oilseeds, and peanuts, rapeseed and mustard production of 62% for total scores. Recently, soybean and sunflower has great growth potential.


One on drinking water technology and related water management for the Mission has been formed in rural areas cover the remaining issues and 70 liters per person per day, per person per day from 40 liters 30 liters of drinking water in desert areas, including cattle provide for. Mission is to solve this problem, a small work in 55 project areas and the problem of cross-country sub-task oriented. A village level operation and maintenance (VLOM) pump called India Mark - 11 have been developed and exported to 40 countries. Rural and urban population 85% March 31, 1993 from 79% to provide more facilities for drinking water.

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