Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fruits & Vegetables ( Real strength of ancient man )

During the Paleolithic Age to the Stone Age people were included hunter-gatherers whose diet food, both animals and plants that were a part of their natural environment. Fossil evidence for hunter-gatherer groups, suggests that the diet is primarily from foods of animal origin. Above all, enjoy the animal offal such as liver, kidney and brain - meat foods that are rich source of nutrition. Human Stone Age did not consume much milk or eat foods rich in carbohydrates such as vegetables or foods containing yeast, corn o. Nutrition is part of a broader process of adaptation. In evolutionary terms, the successful adaptation of life is expected to selectively enhance inclusive fitness of the individual implementation.

Especially in view of the "Neolithic Revolution" in the Stone Age in Central Europe and the Middle East was a time of change in diet with a food conversion to a strategy for subsistence. There are several hypotheses about the behavior of dietary and lifestyle through the Stone Age, which led to the proposal that in the Neolithic Age, the role of energy as a limiting factor for the human population has led to other factors, such as fats and proteins.

Research on the population of the Stone Age have led to reports of a very general trends, and the skeletal record is far from complete. However, taking into account the morphological data and dating, now there is the continuing tension between the numbers of the population and the need to take food resources. There is evidence that Neolithic subsistence costs at the expense of diet quality. The costs and benefits should have been achieved in relation to energy audits.

The conclusion is the invention and introduction of agriculture is a process that fitness in relation to eating habits to maximize in order to adapt in a changing environment. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that may protect against chronic diseases. Compared with individuals who consumed a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, are those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthy diet is likely a lower risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and cardiovascular disease may also have other and certain cancers.

Nutrients should come primarily from foods. Foods such as fruits and vegetables contain not only vitamins and minerals that are often found in supplements, but also other naturally occurring substances that can protect against chronic diseases. For some people, fortified foods or dietary supplements to be useful to the nutrients the body needs. A fortified food contains a nutrient in a quantity larger than what is usually found that food Fruits and Vegetables is a natural source of energy and give your body the nutrients you need to move ahead.

Fruit and vegetables in various colors and tastes incredible, but the real beauty lies in what is inside. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins, minerals and other natural substances which help you from chronic diseases. For a healthy variety, think color. Eating fruits and vegetables of different colors gives your body a wide range of valuable nutrients like fiber, folate, potassium and vitamins A and C. Some examples include green spinach, orange sweet potatoes, black beans, yellow corn, purple plums, red watermelon and white onions . For variety, try new fruits and vegetables regularly.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ancient agriculture (Stone age man's farming )

Anciant man ate the seed without knowing what the seeds were finally realized, but that if the seed fell, and began planting crops grown gardens. The desire to have solved quite excited, instead of increasing stimulus solution. In any case, do not have to emigrate, with a garden big enough, at best, and build permanent housing. Instead of following the herd, as some had done, began breeding. Per 10,000 bC, the man had spread into virtually every habitable places on earth.

In the northern hemisphere back from 10,000 to 8000, the last of the continental glacier. When the glaciers back, began to replace agriculture in small steps, the culture of hunting. In an area called the Fertile Crescent, hunter-gatherers camped next to the fields of wild wheat or barley and wheat. It was the game - like gazelles. Soon they were planting gardens to supplement their hunting. In the year 7000 BC the sowing of seeds has become an important source of food. They began farming and raising livestock on farms and anchored to one place. Agriculture was also developing elsewhere. It spread to Greece. Developed around 6000 BC, in agriculture as an independent between hunter-gatherers in southern Mexico.

In North Africa at the headwaters of the Nile, the people were always sorghum, millet and wheat. 5,500 were men in crops in China. In 4500 was the agricultural sector from Greece to Central Europe, which have been in 4000 BC, people spread with a wooden plow. For the year 4500, agriculture was again in sub-Saharan Africa in the Niger Basin in the west. The Sahara was then grass and forest with abundant rainfall, rivers, lakes, fish and aquatic life. The people there were arable and sheep, goats and cattle.

Agriculture created to eat more food and more to more people as possible. More people kept rural communities to the brink of inadequate nutrition. And farmers dependent on the type that they were hunters and gatherers who are free of drought, more wildlife to areas with drift and foodstuffs. Domesticated plants are susceptible to the ravages of insects, so that wild plants do not. Archaeologists have the bones of children in agricultural societies more symptoms of malnutrition than those who have found life as hunters and gatherers, and the average height of the early farming community was established less than the hunters and gatherers.

In addition, most groups were populated by a greater lack of sanitary facilities. The people were careless about the rejection, sewage and water supply. They knew nothing of the bacteria and their ignorance of the costs. They suffered illness, epidemics were rare among hunter-gatherers. Perhaps less than half the children living in agricultural societies over the age of ten years. They need rain for their crops, trying to awaken people in agricultural societies, the magic in the form of imitation. When the frogs came when it rained, it can propose magicians like frogs to their gods, they begin to stir. With agriculture came fertility gods.

Farmers knew enough about the fertility associated with sex. They believed that their gods of sex, the father and the mother of God created copulates created with his son and daughter of the gods and men and women in their areas as a religious ritual, suggests that their gods must grow their crops. When growing seasons went, people saw their god of fertility and the dead, and if the growing season have been returned to their god for increases - since the beginning of the resurrection as an approach. One of the gods worshiped by the Greeks Adonis. Adonis was believed their annual death with the goddess Persephone in Hades Pass - also known as hell. Every year when the growing season was again seen to be resurrected, and was believed to be living in blissful union with the fertility goddess of love Aphrodite. In agricultural societies has been unfortunate, explains how the work of angry gods, and the first farmers were willing to please the gods by gifts that they could. It was believed that someone is killed or sent to an animal, the child, in the spirit form of the invisible world of gods.

People saw the dispatch of one or more members of the groups to the gods, like a good deal to the extent that the survival of a company serves. Or someone could be killed, who had been kidnapped abroad any prisoners of war - the solution to the problem of what happens to a prisoner of war, which would otherwise rely for the supply of valuable human food do. Animal and human sacrifices were apparently less common in hunter-gatherer societies such as the plains of North America and Australia. Human sacrifice was among agricultural people in India, Egypt and elsewhere in Africa, agriculture and farmers in Europe and made the Middle East.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Origin of agriculture - Introduction

Before agriculture, people lived by hunting animals and gathering wild edible plants. When the flocks were numerous, and flowering plants, life was good. But when the cattle to other places, people had to go and they often discover a new set of plants to supplement their diet.

Hunter finally realized that their prey was much easier to kill if they walls in a canyon. Even better, it would be, you could catch prey and hold it in a cave for future use. Archaeological finds show that early humans giant sloths sloth is caught that way. Overcrowding, but was to be a temporary measure. Do not think about the future, the people starve themselves satisfied, and then, if everything eaten was lazy, lazy looking. Maintenance of discipline and care is not yet operational.

This feast-or lifestyle of hunger had its certain drawbacks, including hunger. Luckily, some genius in the world finally discovered a way to dry the meat, smoking, over the fire, or keep cooking. some others realized that they decided to plant seeds, which were eaten and dispersed around the new plants.Eventually was held, the people, that life would be much easier if they always had animals with them, and if the edible plants and their products always available. Settling seemed a good idea.

Resolve to grow so that people came in a place where they are animals, pets and their food plants consumption.Thus settle in one place is the first step in the formation of the archaeological site agriculture.Recent beginning of agriculture up to 7000 BC . and the domestication of animals (mostly used as hunting dogs Assistant) for thousands of years before. There is some evidence that people Shanidar was in Kurdistan, the domestication of sheep and planting wheat as early as 9800 BC .

Intensive food collection in which the inhabitants of a region established permanent residences and made full use of existing systems, seems to start in the Middle East by 9000 - 7000 BCThere any way have begun for certain how plant know really got. But archaeologists have many theories.

One theory is that some seeds were memorable cast during the migration. When the next tribe lived in the same place, could spill seed associated with the sudden richness of the plant. They could see that she was able to save seeds and plants, and be sure to have a food supply. Later he began to choose and plant the seeds of the plant with the highest performance. Thus, plants were domesticated, changed and controlled for the benefit of the people and not just occur in nature.

At the same time, developments in agriculture, as described above, people began to tame the wild ox and sheep beware. Remains of a hunting dog dates back to 8500 BC have been found in North America's rich harvest of domesticated plants allows a significant increase in the population. By allowing all their own plants and animals in one place by the farmer from the caves and shelters at random or semi-permanent move to villages with houses made of stone, wood or reeds.

One example is the biblical city of Jericho. It began as a nation to 9000 BC, and has a solution of one kind or another since time immemorial. In 5000 a. C, the Euphrates valley of villages and towns were full. The municipalities provide central storage services, the practice of religion and the administration, that people are not able to solve. These cities were the Sumerian civilization.At while their subjects were similar to the Nile Valley and the valleys of the rivers in China and India.