Sunday, January 17, 2010

Origin of agriculture - Introduction

Before agriculture, people lived by hunting animals and gathering wild edible plants. When the flocks were numerous, and flowering plants, life was good. But when the cattle to other places, people had to go and they often discover a new set of plants to supplement their diet.

Hunter finally realized that their prey was much easier to kill if they walls in a canyon. Even better, it would be, you could catch prey and hold it in a cave for future use. Archaeological finds show that early humans giant sloths sloth is caught that way. Overcrowding, but was to be a temporary measure. Do not think about the future, the people starve themselves satisfied, and then, if everything eaten was lazy, lazy looking. Maintenance of discipline and care is not yet operational.

This feast-or lifestyle of hunger had its certain drawbacks, including hunger. Luckily, some genius in the world finally discovered a way to dry the meat, smoking, over the fire, or keep cooking. some others realized that they decided to plant seeds, which were eaten and dispersed around the new plants.Eventually was held, the people, that life would be much easier if they always had animals with them, and if the edible plants and their products always available. Settling seemed a good idea.

Resolve to grow so that people came in a place where they are animals, pets and their food plants consumption.Thus settle in one place is the first step in the formation of the archaeological site agriculture.Recent beginning of agriculture up to 7000 BC . and the domestication of animals (mostly used as hunting dogs Assistant) for thousands of years before. There is some evidence that people Shanidar was in Kurdistan, the domestication of sheep and planting wheat as early as 9800 BC .

Intensive food collection in which the inhabitants of a region established permanent residences and made full use of existing systems, seems to start in the Middle East by 9000 - 7000 BCThere any way have begun for certain how plant know really got. But archaeologists have many theories.

One theory is that some seeds were memorable cast during the migration. When the next tribe lived in the same place, could spill seed associated with the sudden richness of the plant. They could see that she was able to save seeds and plants, and be sure to have a food supply. Later he began to choose and plant the seeds of the plant with the highest performance. Thus, plants were domesticated, changed and controlled for the benefit of the people and not just occur in nature.

At the same time, developments in agriculture, as described above, people began to tame the wild ox and sheep beware. Remains of a hunting dog dates back to 8500 BC have been found in North America's rich harvest of domesticated plants allows a significant increase in the population. By allowing all their own plants and animals in one place by the farmer from the caves and shelters at random or semi-permanent move to villages with houses made of stone, wood or reeds.

One example is the biblical city of Jericho. It began as a nation to 9000 BC, and has a solution of one kind or another since time immemorial. In 5000 a. C, the Euphrates valley of villages and towns were full. The municipalities provide central storage services, the practice of religion and the administration, that people are not able to solve. These cities were the Sumerian civilization.At while their subjects were similar to the Nile Valley and the valleys of the rivers in China and India.